Semester -1

Sr. NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)Internal Assessment (College)
1General English80 marks20 Marks
2General Principles of Political Science80 marks20 Marks
3General Principles of Economics80 marks20 Marks
4General Principles of Sociology80 marks20 Marks

Semester -2

Sr. NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)Internal Assessment (College)
1English for Law80 marks20 Marks
2Political Theories80 marks20 Marks
3Macro Economics, Policies and Practice 80 marks20 Marks
4Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology 80 marks20 Marks

Semester -3

Sr. NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)
1Political Science II (Foundations of Political Obligations) 100 marks
2Political Science III (International Relations and Organisations) 100 marks
3Law of Contract I 100 marks

Semester -4

Sr. NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)
1Legal Language 100 marks
2Legal History (History of Court, Legislature and Legal Profession in India) 100 marks
3Contract II100 marks

Semester -5

Sr. NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)
1Family Laws – I 100 marks
2Law of Crimes 100 marks
3Labour Laws 100 marks
4Optional Papers (any one)
a. Trust, Equity and Fiduciary Relationships
b. Criminology and Penology
c. Woman and Law, Law relating to the Child
d. International Economic Law
100 marks

Semester -6

Sr. NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)
1Family Laws – II 100 marks
2Constitutional Law 100 marks
3Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Act 100 marks
4Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bar – Bench Relations 100 marks

Semester -7

Sr NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)
1Law of Evidence 100 marks
2Environmental Law including laws of Protection of Wild Life and Other Living Creature including Animal Welfare 100 marks
3Human Rights and International Law 100 marks
4Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Disputes Resolution System 100 marks
5Optional Papers (any one)
a. Trust, Equity and Fiduciary Relationships
b. Criminology and Penology
c. Woman and Law, Law relating to the Child
d. International Economic Law

100 marks

Semester -8

Sr NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)
1Jurisprudence100 marks
2Property Law including Transfer of Property Act and Easement Act 100 marks
3Practical – II (Public Interest Lawyering, Legal Aid and Para Legal Services 100 marks
4Optional Any One

a. Comparative Law
b. Insurance Law
c. Conflict of Law
d. Intellectual Property Law
100 marks

Semester -9

Sr NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)
1The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and
Probation of Offenders Act, 1958
100 marks
2Company Law 100 marks
3Practical Training Paper-I Moot Courts, Pre-Trial Preparations and Participation in Trial Proceedings. (To be
Conducted throughout the academic year. Viva-voce will be Held at the conclusion of academic year)
100 marks
4Drafting, Pleading and Convincing100 marks
5Optional Papers (Any One)
a. Law of Taxation
b. Banking Laws including Negotiable Instruments Act
c. Co-operative Law
d. Investment and Securities Laws
100 marks

Semester -10

Sr NoSubjectWritten Examination (University)
1Jurisprudence100 marks
2Property Law including Transfer of Property Act and Easement Act 100 marks
3Practical – II (Public Interest Lawyering, Legal Aid and Para Legal Services 100 marks
4Optional Any One

a. Comparative Law
b. Insurance Law
c. Conflict of Law
d. Intellectual Property Law
100 marks

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